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Counseling Services
in Crystal Lake, IL
KGA Counseling is a private practice supported by experienced, licensed mental health professionals who specialize in a variety of issues. We are committed to helping individuals, families and couples experience healing and peace in their lives, and elevate satisfaction in their relationships.
[ or reach out to an individual therapist using their direct line ]

Anchor 1

Ken Gates, M.A., LCPC
(815) 861-9424

Debbie Simpson, M.A., LCPC
(815) 354-6746

June Stroner, MA, LCPC, RPT
(815) 245-2050

Mike O'Brien, MSW, LCSW
(815) 236-5007

Matt Warren, M.A. LPC
(847) 868-0159

Ryan Hesslau, M.A., LPC
(815) 893-9873

Maddy Hesslau, M.A. LPC
(815) 526-0508
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